I am going to evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of online blogging. The positves are that you are able to share your work with others over the web which is useful for artists and industries wanting to promote and sell work/products. You can also view other peoples blogs that interest you and look at the kind of work they create and what interests them. After creating my own blog i have realized that you can learn quite a lot of information by reading through other peoples work. I also like the fact that you can keep up to date with recent posts from these blogs by following them. These will come up in your blog list. This is a list of all the blogs you follow. By using blogs you will be able to find people with the same interests as you.
There are also negatives when it comes to blogging. As well as using the computer to create posts, most people also use their mobile phones. The only problem with this is that it takes a lot longer to upload work such as the images so it would be a lot faster to blog from your PC. I suppose blogging from your phone is also a good thing because this means that you can blog when and where you want, you don't always have to be sat at a computer. When it comes to blogging Plagiarizing is also a problem because people don't copyright their own images/text so its easy for someone to copy and pass it off as their own work.
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