Sunday, 26 June 2011

University Visits

Manchester Metropolitan University
We went round a show at Manchester Metropolitan University looking at different work produced by the students in different Design fields such as Illustration,  3D design, Photography, Architecture, animation, textiles and fashion Design. I thought the layout and structure of this show in each design field was very professional and the displays of work were appropriate and presented at a professional standard.
 I really enjoyed looking at the different work produced, which also helped and gave me ideas. By looking at students work made me also realise how much work you have to put in to each course. I found most of the work interesting especially in 3D Design, Illustration and Architecture. I am definitely going to consider 3D Design, looking at all the displays made me realise that this might be the course for me. There were loads of displays of different projects displayed around the room. One of the benefits of going to this art show is finding out about 3D design because otherwise I wouldn’t be considering this course if I hadn’t seen any of the work produced.
 Another course I particularly like is Illustration. I think all the work was produced at a very high standard. I looked through a Portfolio of different designs and images produced, such as characters and detailed shapes, such as circles and hearts. As soon as you enter the room, there are displays of different work around the room and in the centre.  This is another course I am going to consider because I am interested in the kind of work involved in this course. After looking at the displays I am now wondering if this course would be too difficult for me, even though I am interested and would love to do it.  
I looked at fashion design.  I thought the dresses that were on show were created with imagination and ‘alternative’ ideas. They were original, eye opening and were more like works of art rather than something I would wear.  I really enjoyed looking at all the different styles.  The work put in will have been time consuming.
We looked at Architecture and even though im not considering doing this course, I thought the quality of the work and the skills used to create each piece of work was at a high standard. By looking at the work, I think to do this course you have to be good at drawing.
I didn’t have time to look at inspiration but I think everyone will have started somewhere whether its looking at other peoples work for ideas then using them to influence your own work or even an artist style.   
Hannah Lovett is an artist /designer/maker whose work was also exhibited at the art show. There was one piece that I particularly like which is called ‘Rebirth’. I quite like the use of materials used forming an object and i think its quite effective. Lovett quoted “The work explores the ’inheritance’ of material and idea. It is about a series of happenings in an objects’ life conveying a story through birth of new form.” I found these images of the work I saw at the art show while I was browsing Hannah Lovett’s website. 

Sheffield Hallam University
We went to the art show at Sheffield Hallam University. We looked at Graphic Design, Interior Design, Product Design and Games Design. The show has definitely influenced the courses I am going to consider applying for.
One of the courses I looked at was Interior Design. Even though I am not considering doing this course, I still enjoyed looking at the work others have produced in this field. Interior Design doesn’t seem interesting to me but when I arrived the pieces of work that have been produced really caught my attention. I think that the amount of effort shown in the projects has really opened my eyes to the difficulty of this course.  All the projects were displayed around the edge of the room and models of buildings were displayed towards the centre.
The images below are pictures of a particular project that drew my attention. I especially like the amount of colours used.

I went to look at the work produced in Graphic Design which is one of the courses I am interested in applying for. The displays started on the outside walls and continue towards the centre of the room. There were also displays of port folios showing research for each project in the centre of the room.   One of the projects that drew my attention was by Emma King. This project was type.  She created letters using images of flowers which I found really interesting. The black one is easy to read and understand but the one created using various colours isn’t as effective. Another project that I liked was by Caitlin Totten. She has created images of a burger, apple and a drink using different textures to form an image which makes the food look effective. Lauren Billingham’s work was my favourite because I am working on a similar theme on my course which is designing packaging for a natural product. She has created a skin care range using natural products and natural images.

I looked at Product Design. The displays of work were situated around the room with some displays in the middle of the room. This is a course that I hadn’t considered and wasn’t interested in until I saw the work produced. I am now considering applying for this course because the work that I viewed was appealing and has influenced my decision. The first project I looked at was by Jessica Treslove. The theme of her work is challenging users to appreciate perception of ordinary items using different materials. She designed a clock made out of concrete. She has done a lot of research for this project which includes research on designers which will have influenced her work. My favourite was a project by Rick Hewitt. This project was inspired by a trip to Burundi in Africa. This focussed meeting the needs of locations in the developing world. He designed a pedal powered washing machine mounted on a tricycle. I think this design was very unusual and using pedal power instead of electricity to work a washing machine was clever.

These images below is the work created by Jessica Treslove. The right image is a picture of the clock she created out of concrete.

These images below are pictures of the work created by Rick Hewitt. The image below underneath the image of the 'Step by step guide' is the ‘SpinCycle’ washing machine.

Chesterfield College
I went round the art show at my college looking at all the different work produced by students. The difference between this show and the previous shows is that this is a foundation course in Art & Design. If I decide not to go to university then this would be a good option for me.  The displays were located all round the room. All the display boards were placed at an angle to display each students work.
The first collection of works that I looked at was animation/illustration by Christopher Hogan. His work focussed on music. I like the detail shown in these works, focussed on the playing of instruments. I like the colours used in these graphics because I like the contrast between the neutral colours and the red and blue tones.

My favourite display was the work of Megan Lolly. She has used type to create images. Each image spells out a different word e.g. the letters spelling ‘Fish’ create the fish shape in one of the images. This display is interesting and she has used a lot of imagination to create these graphics. These graphics look like simple graphics until you look closely, and then you can notice how clever and effective they are.  You can see how the words create each graphic and the detail in each image. The Apple Graphic is my favourite. She has taken the theme of ‘Apple’ and created a graphic using  an Apple shape outline with a New York ‘Big Apple’ image inside it. She has then distorted the New York image to create the letters.  Megan’s work influenced me because I find her work very talented, imaginative and creative.
These images below are pictures of the work created by Megan Lolly.

All three shows have definitely influenced my ideas and have made me realise which courses I would probably enjoy more than others. It has helped me think about which courses to consider applying for.  It also broadened my understanding in each field and made me realise that there are so many other courses in the design field that I would enjoy such as 3D design. To compete with the other students, I would research other graphic designers for ideas and inspiration. I would use the skill and experience I have gained through my college course as a starting point and develop this to a standard capable of achieving a degree qualification. The courses differ in length from one to three years. Visiting the three different venues, made me aware of the choice and variety of courses available to me. If I decide not to go to university, I have an option to do the foundation course at Chesterfield College.

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